Bipolar Disorder


Being Depressed
About Me

Depression is the absolute lowest feeling you could ever feel in your life. It can break you down in a matter of minutes.

For those that may not know, bipolar disorder is also known as manic depression. That means it is like one big roller coaster ride. One day you may be on top of the world and the next day you may be under the world. On this page I want to talk about the depression. I have already told you alot what I am like when I get depressed. From my personal experience, I have found that many people do alot of the same things I do when they get depressed. Sleeping more than average seems to be what most people do when they are at their lowest. We just try to sleep away the pain, I guess. I don't have a great deal to say about depression other than it can almost take control of your life if you let it. Sometimes it is still difficult to get out of bed, but I have to make myself. That's when I know the depression is trying to set back in. I have to fight it though. I'm almost ready to start a career and try to make a life for myself and I certainly can't let something like this stop me.

It does require that I take medication, it is an illness. I'm not crazy or anything like that. If you have a cold, or even diabetes (which is a life-long illness), you have to take medication. It's the same thing. They are all medical problems. Some people don't feel that way, but that's ok. I have an illness and I have accepted and I know that I may have to take medication for the rest of my life. That is what matters. If others can't accept me for who I am, then I don't need them anyway. Other than my illness, I am a very nice, caring person who really only wants to help people. That is all I am. I do the best I can to help when I can, and when I can't help it does bother me....but there's only so much one person can do. In the long run, depression can only hold you down if you let's you that makes the decision on how long you actually stay there. Sure, you may need some help to get back up and that is certainly ok. Just make sure that you ask for it. If you don't get it then...keep asking...someone WILL help.